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South America and Africa fit together like pieces of a puzzle.

Fossils identical on diff... sides of the ocean.

The landforms from different continents matched.

The mountains ranges were the same when matched.

The patterns of the striations of south America and South Africa were the same.

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Q: What were the five things used to support Alfred wegenar theory?
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What are the three things Alfred Wegener used to prove his theory about pangaea?

Fossils, Climate, and Sea-Floor Spreading

What are two things that support the continental drift theory?

Two things that supports the continental drift theory are; 1. Fossil. 2. Continent Shapes.

What theory did Alfred wegener proposed first?

Alfred wegeners theory of continental driftIs that once all the continents were all join as one massive land mass. (and split apart.)

Did Charles Darwin has scientific proof of his evolution theory?

Scientists did not prove things then anymore than they prove things now. Evidence, masses of converging evidence support the theory of evolution by natural selection. Darwin, in his day, had much evidence to support his theory. All the way from artificial selection to island biogeography. Since that time the theory has moved on to where it is no longer just Darwin's theory, but modified and supported with so much evidence that the theory became the bedrock of biology. Go here.

What is theory for fossils of tropical plants found on an island in the arctic ocean?

the theory called the "continental drift" hypothesized that all the continents were once a huge supercontinent but then eventually over time spread apart. this is ALFRED WEGENER (veh-gen-er) HYPOTHESIS IN 1910.

What were the three things that Alfred wegener used to prove the theory of continental drift?

Alfred Wegner had 4 theory`s,Climate evidence,Fossil evidence,the continents fitting together like a puzzle,and horizontal movement. The fossils were different types of ancient ferns and Dinosaurs.

'what is the assumptions of economics by Alfred marshall'?

Alfred marshall made a heroic assumption of 'cetris paribus' which means other things being equal/constant in economics. This assumption he used for the theories he put forth viz. theory of demand,theory of supply,theory of diminishing marginal utility,etc. Most of his theories come under the sub field- micro economics. The assumption of cetris paribus is the main, there are many others for each law besides cetris paribus.

What is a theory in physics?

A theory is something that has been tested over time and the data constantly supports it. Examples are the theory of relativity or the theory of evolution. This is way different from the conventional usage, which is just something somebody things. I hate it when people use it that way! Note: A theory is never proven. Nothing in science is proven, but a theory is as close as you can get. The data can only support the facts.

Is the evolutionary theory bankrupt?

Absolutely not. The Theory of Evolution is the accepted scientific theory of how living things evolved on this planet. If you're looking for a "bankrupt" theory a serious contender would be the unscientific theory of Creationism. It has absolutely no scientific currency to support it. However, as Ayn Rand said so eloquently: Those who deny reason cannot be conquered by it.

What was his theory of evolution?

The theory of evolution is that all living things come from other living things.