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the main German fighters were the Focke-Wulf 190, the BF-109, and the Stuka

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Q: What were the main planes used by the Germans in World War 2?
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How many men and planes were used by the Germans in Mussolini's bombing and fighter wing in the low countries and france under German command during Battle of Britain and the Blitz bombings?

45 Germans, there was also 5 others from surrounding countries involved (these were the men in charge), there was 10 main planes, other planes followed these and carried the bombs.

What airplanes were used in world war 1?

Germans allies albatross fighters camels fokke endika spads zeppelins they are all the planes I know

Were air crafts used by Germans in World War 2?

Well, probaly yes! I mean, come on! German would have that tech to make planes! But Uk's was probably more stonger! No offence Germany!

Who used Torpedoes in World War I?

The Germans

What were planes used as at the beginning of World War 2?

fighters,bombers,and cargo planes primarily.

Were planes used in World War 1?


Why did World War 2 use planes?

we used planes in world war 2 it was easyer to bomb other places and they where new.

Who used zeppelins?

The Germans used zeppellins in the First World War.

How did Germans kill people during world war 2?

How did Germans kill people during WWII? Well please keep in mind that not all Germans were Nazis. The Germans used the same weapons as did any of the other countries. The Nazis on the other hand used torture as a means of killing there victims. Starvation, burning, and experimentation were the main procedures used to kill the Jews, gypsies, and those they deemed unfit.

Why did the germans destroy Jewish homes?

On the front lines the Germans may have destroyed homes, but in the main Germans stole Jewish homes (and businesses) and used them for themselves.

Why were Jews scapegoats?

Because in World War 2, Germans used them as Scapegoats, blaming everything on them.

What are scouter planes of world war 1 used for?
