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The main points in the Declaration of Independence are that rights and freedoms were something innate in every person born and that those rights were equal among all men. A government does not have the power to bestow rights on individuals because they could take them away at will. Also importance of a government that only serves the people; run by the people.

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all citizens were born equal and remained equal in the eyes of the law.

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The Declaration of the Rights of Man stated that all men had equal and inalienable rights. It also stated that the purpose of the government was to preserve those rights.

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Q: What were the main points of the Declaration of the Rights of Man?
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What were the main points of the declaration of the right of man?

The main points in the Declaration of Independence are that rights and freedoms were something innate in every person born and that those rights were equal among all men. A government does not have the power to bestow rights on individuals because they could take them away at will. Also importance of a government that only serves the people; run by the people.

What were the main affirmations of the declaration of the rights of the man and the citizen?

"The natural and imprescriptible rights of man" to "liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression."

Difference between Declaration of Rights of Man and declaration of independence?

Declaration of right of man is giving rights to men only. Declaration of independence is giving the right to every person to do as they please.

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The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen stated that?

What was the declaration of the rights of man modeled after?

The Declaration of the Rights of Man was modeled after the Declaration of Independence.

What are the 5 ideals that the declaration of independence describe?

There are five points in the Declaration of Independence. They are; All Men are created equal, the creator grants man rights, Governments are instituted to protect these rights, the Governments get their powers from man, and if the governments begin to usurp these rights, man has the right to fight back.

What did the Declaration of Rights of Man establish?

The declaration of the rights of man establishes freedom of religon, speech, and new rights for the people of France.

What important document came from the French Revolution?

Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen

How was the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen similar to the Declaration of Independence?

The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen, was modeled in part on the American Declaration of Independence. All men, the French declaration announced, were "born and remain free and equal in rights."

What did the declaration of man say?

The Declaration of Men addresses and protects all the rights of men. One of the main declarations is that all men are created equal. These rights are for all citizens but mainly for men.

What is the the french declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen?

The main idea of the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen are that all people regardless of their nationality, race, sex, or other defining characteristics are born with certain rights. These rights should be protected regardless where the individual travels, lives, works, or visits.

How was the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and the citizen similar to the Declaration of Independence?

The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen, was modeled in part on the American Declaration of Independence. All men, the French declaration announced, were "born and remain free and equal in rights."