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Q: What were the three categories Shakespeare wrote in?
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Name one play from each categories what shakespeare wrote in?

Using the standard categories, we have: Comedy: Pericles Tragedy: Timon of Athens History: King John

What 3 type of individuals did Shakespeare write for?

Males, females, and people who don't fall into either of those categories. In other words, Shakespeare wrote for everyone.

How many plays did William Shakespeare write and what are the categories into which Shakespeare's plays were divided?

William Shakespeare wrote 38 plays. They are divided into comedies, histories and tragedies. See the related question for a full list of his plays.

What are three examples of plays that he wrote?

Hamlet, Macbeth, and Much Ado About Nothing are three examples of plays that William Shakespeare wrote.

What did William Shakespeare write in?

Shakespeare wrote in ink. Shakespeare wrote in the Elizabethan Era. Shakespeare wrote in London, England. Shakespeare wrote in Early Modern English Shakespeare wrote in blank verse

Shakespeare wrote what three dramas?

Hamlet,Macbeth, and King Lear.

Who were the three writers who wrote in the vernacular?

Chaucer, Dante (Alighieri), and William Shakespeare were three writers who wrote in the vernacular.

What were the 3 types of play that Shakespeare wrote?

In the First Folio, all of Shakespeare's plays were divided into Comedies, Tragedies and Histories. Although it is not always easy to place some of the plays in these three categories (and Shakespeare was well aware that they could mix and overlap and be involved with the category of the Pastoral), the division seems to have stuck.

Shakespeare wrote in what?

Shakespeare wrote in English, the same as your question and my answer.

Why did Shakespeare write what he wrote?

Shakespeare was a professional playwright and poet. He wrote what he wrote in order to make his living.

What are the 3 styles of plays shakespeare used?

When the first Complete Shakespeare edition (called the First Folio) was published, it was called "William Shakespeare's Histories, Tragedies and Comedies" and all the plays were put into one of those three categories.

What categories is shakespeare's plays broken down into?

They are traditionally divided into histories, comedies and tragedies by the first folio. Although some scholars have tried to introduce new categories, it is these three which seem to stick.