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For us to answer it, your question needs to be more specific. We need to know which country's Civil War you are inquiring about.

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Q: What were the top 5 fatal diseases in the Civil War?
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Was Little Round Top in the Civil War?

Yes Little Round Top was in the Civil war.

What diseases did the civilians have during the civil war?

The top were Consumption, Scarlet Fever, Rickets, Syphilis, Tooth Decay, Lock Jaw, and Blood poison from Splinters. There were also Flu and Cold.

What did chamberlain do?

he led the 20th Maine in the civil war and held Little Round Top in Gettysburg to become a civil war hero!! (:

Who was the Hero of little round top during civil war?

It was a book.

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The top confederate general was Robert E. Lee.

What were the top three worst parts of trench warfare?

The diseases, such as gangrene and trench foot, the war itself, and the weather conditions.

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Abraham Lincoln

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Is one of the top three factors associated with fatal crashes?

Who was our top general in the civil war?

In the end the top Union General was Ulysses S. Grant. The top confederate general was Robert E. Lee.

Top five bloodiest battles of the Civil war?

The Battle of Wala. The battle of tuscan Enan.

When did the battle of little round top take place?

July 2d, 1863, in the civil war.