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Q: What were the two post world war 2 conferences?
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Where did the two conferences take place between the allied leaders to discuss the post-war world?

These two conferences took place in Yalta ; and Postdam.

Where did the two conferences take place between the allied leaders to discuss the post war world?

Yalta; Postdam

Differences between the yalta and potsdam conferences?

Yalta and Potsdam were the sites of the two 1945 World War II Conferences of the Big Three Allied leaders. The purpose was to figure out what would happen to war torn Europe, as well as the fate of Germany, after the war.

2 major war conferences after World War 2?

Tehran Conference: 'Big Three' met to discuss final strategy against Germany. Yalta Conference: 'Big three' met to discuss Europe post-WWII.

What two ideologies divided Europe post World War 2?

capitalism and socialism

What did the tehran yalta and potsdam conferences demonstrate?

The Tehran, Yalta, and Potsdam conferences demonstrated the shifting alliances and geopolitical dynamics during and after World War II. These conferences showcased the cooperation and negotiations between the Allied leaders to discuss the post-war settlement, the division of Germany, and the establishment of the United Nations. They also illustrated the emerging tension and ideological differences between the Western powers and the Soviet Union, setting the stage for the Cold War.

What is known as post war world?

Post war is after World War II; 1945. Post cold war is after the cold war; 1990 (even though the papers were signed in 1991).

How did war time conferences that lead to the cold war?

Atomic weapons created the cold war. Not any conferences.

What were three of the locations where famous wartime conferences took place between Allied leaders during World War 2?

Potsdam , Tehran and Yalta conferences .

He was the first to hold regular press conferences to speak on the radio and was in office when world war ended in 1918?

Woodrow Wilson was the first to hold regular prss conferences, to speak on the radio and was in office when World War 1 ended in 1918. Colin Craig

Wartime conference 1945?

There were two wartime conferences held in 1945. The first was in Yalta, Crimea to discuss the rebuilding of European countries in February of 1945. The second was held in Germany and called the Potsdam Conference in July of 1945.

When was Outline of the Post-War New World Map created?

Outline of the Post-War New World Map was created in 1942.