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The pilgrims were people from England that didn't want to be ruled by religious belief. They sailed over to the "unknown" land. They just wanted to escape the religious ruling. They were puritans.

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10y ago

A groups of people from England who landed to North America for religious. ( farmer,hunter,religion)

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Q: What were three pilgrim beliefs?
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What is the duration of Extreme Pilgrim?

The duration of Extreme Pilgrim is 3600.0 seconds.

When was A Passionate Pilgrim created?

A Passionate Pilgrim was created on -18-04-03.

When was Come On Pilgrim created?

Come On Pilgrim was created on 1987-09-28.

When was Pilgrim at Tinker Creek created?

Pilgrim at Tinker Creek was created in 1974.

When was Her Pilgrim Soul created?

Her Pilgrim Soul was created on 1985-12-13.

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How do you use 'pilgrim' in a sentence?

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The Pilgrims feast lasted for three days.

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The possessive form of "Pilgrim" is "Pilgrim's."

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Pilgrim is a noun.

How do you say 'pilgrim' in Spanish?

el pilgrim

When was Molly's Pilgrim?

Molly's Pilgrim was created in 1985.

How do you spell pilgram?

The correct spelling is "pilgrim."

How many issues of Scott pilgrim are there?

there are currently 6 issues of Scott Pilgrim comics: (vol. 1 Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Life, vol. 2 Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, vol. 3 Scott Pilgrim & the Infinite Sadness, vol. 4 Scott Pilgrim Gets it Together, vol. 5 Scott Pilgrim vs. the Universe, and vol. 6 Scott Pilgrim's Finest Hour.)

What three beliefs come from the worship of Dionysus?

There are many beliefs from Dionysus but I don't know any.