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He stoped the war and brought peace to the world :D

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Q: What did MacArthur do while occupying japan?
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What were some of Douglas MacArthur's goals while in japan?

to give freedom

Who led the efforts to draw up to the Japanese constitution?

Doug MacArthur drew it up in his spare time. He did it while liberating the Philippines and planning the invasion of Japan.

Whose responsibility was it to rebuild Japan?

MacArthur MacArthur

What did MacArthur introduce to japan?

island hopping

What is the MacArthur Constitution?

postwar plan for japan

Who was the American general who oversaw the occupation of Japan after World War 2?

Douglas MacArthur .

how long was MacArthur involved in the cold war?

General Macarthur oversaw the occupation of Japan from 1945 to 1951

What country did Douglas MacArthur fight Japan for?

he fought with the Philippines against Japan in Australia. They wanted japan.

What nation did Douglas MacArthur temporarily govern?


What did Douglas MacArthur have to do with Japan's history?

MacArthur led the Allies to victory over Japan. He was humble to the Emperor Hirohito as the Emperor yielded the control of his country to him. MacArthur respected the rights and culture of the Japanese as he helped them to learn how to have a democratic government. He left Japan for a time to lead in Korea. They gave Japan their own control after seven years. The Japanese helped MacArthur with the servicemen serving in Korea. They allowed them to take furlough in their country. So MacArthur earned the respect of the Japanese and helped them to recover after the War.

Did gen Douglas MacArthur prevent soviet forces from landing in japan at the end of world war 2?

Like in Germany, there was a race (rush) into Japan to beat the Soviets; however the Soviets didn't declare war on Japan until after the atom bomb was dropped on 06 August 1945; therefore the US had a head start in occupying Japan. The USSR was only able to deploy troops to China/Korea, and parts of NORTHERN Japan.

What form of government did japan have after ww II?

Hirohito remained the Emperor of Japan until his death in 0001.