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Tomatoes, potatoes, turkeys

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Q: What were unknown to Europe prior to the Columbian Exchange?
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Which lists things that were unknown to Europe prior to the Columbian Exchange?


Which group things that were unknown to the Europe prior to the columbian exchange?

Tomatoes, Potatoes, Turkeys -Apex

Which group lists thing that were unknown to Europe prior to the columbian exchange?

Tomatoes, Potatoes, Turkeys -Apex

Which group listed things that were unknown to Europe prior to the Columbian exchange?

Tomatoes, Potatoes, Turkeys -Apex

Which group lists thing's that were unknown to Europe prior to the Columbian exchange?

Tomatoes, Potatoes, Turkeys -Apex

Which group lists thing were unknown to Europe prior to the Columbian exchange?

Tomatoes, Potatoes, Turkeys -Apex

Which group lists things that were unknown to Europe prior to the Columbian Exchange?

Tomatoes, Potatoes, Turkeys -Apex

Which group lists things that were unknown to europ prior to the columbian exchange?

Tomatoes, Potatoes, Turkeys -Apex

Which group lists thing that were unknown to Europe prior to the columbian?

Tomatoes, Potatoes, Turkeys -Apex

Was Criminal activity unknown prior to the nineteenth century?

Criminal activity was unknown prior to the nineteenth century.

Which crop was not grown in the eastern hemisphere prior to European conquest of Latin America?

Maize (corn) was not grown in the eastern hemisphere prior to the European conquest of Latin America. Maize was a crucial crop in the Americas and was introduced to the eastern hemisphere as part of the Columbian Exchange.

What is the Pre-Columbian period?

The period of time prior to discovery of the Americas by Christopher Columbus (i.e.: before 1492).