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1w ago

It sounds like you are referring to cocaine, which is a highly addictive stimulant drug. Smoking cocaine using tin foil and a straw is a method known as freebasing or crack cocaine use. It can be very dangerous and have serious health consequences.

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Q: What white powder drug is it that you smoke from a straw and tin foil?
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What is cokecain?

Cocaine is a addictive drug that is illegal. It is like powder but it is a drug. DONT SMOKE COKECAIN EVER it can kill you. When you smoke cocaine it changes your whole mood and then you cant stop.

Which is drug is white glass crystal powder like and does not dissolve in water?

Crystal methamphetamine fits the description of a white glass crystal powder that does not dissolve in water.

What type of drug typically comes in the form of white powder?

Drugs as white powder can be any number of things. It can be heroin, cocain or crunched amphetamine like speed or ectasy. White powder also can be methylamphetamin, which is called Crystal Meth, too.

How can you tell if a powder is a drug?

It really depends on the powder. If it's white and chunky (may not be) and has a numbing effect on the tongue, it's cocaine. If it's in crystal form, or powder with smaller crystals in it, it might be methamphetamine. Brown or tan powder is heroin. Also street drug test kits are available online, that turn a certain color depending on the drug.

What is the Scientific name of heroine?

The scientific name of heroin is diacetylmorphine.

What drug will show on a drug test that you smoke?

all of them

What illegal drug is a bright yellow powder and is sold in small little drug baggies?

Either Heroin or Mustard Powder

Has anyone heard of the research drug MDMX?

yes, It usually comes as a white powder in a gel capsule. It's similar to MDMA or ecstacy.

What is a genetic drug?

A genetic drug is when yu smoke your skin.

When smoking a drug the drug is burned and the resulting smoke then?


What is the new white powder drug that when snorted is new and makes you feel like your on cocaine and a little on ecstasy and it is white and snorted and is not molly but may start wan M?

Filo dough, Opa!

Will drug test be clean if you smoke once two days before pee test?

Depends on how much you smoke and what drug.