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Your symptoms of being on the pill will gradually decrease and you may experience irregular menstrual cycle while your body adjusts to being off the pill.

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Q: What will be effects on your body if you stop taking birth control pill for a month or two?
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I would like to stop taking birth contol when is the best time in my cycle to do so?

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3, moñths

What if you're on birth control and it comes time to start your period and you don't but you did earlier that month?

No worries. Just continue taking the birth control pill as scheduled.

Can you get pergnent from only taking birth control pills twice in just one month alone?

can you get pergnent if you took birth control pills only twice last month then had your period but had unprotected sex after your period will you get your period the next month??

Can starting birth control cause two periods in one month?

It's possible that breakthrough bleeding could occur as result of taking birth control pills.

Is it normal to get your period twice a month when you first start taking birth control?

Yes birth control changes your cycle causing your body to have to adjust to the birth control after a few weeks it should become a normal schedule.

You missed your period last month you have an IUD but you are also taking birth control pills can you be pregnant?

YES - no birth control devices are 100% effecitive. It is still possible to get pregnant.

Do you take your birth control everyday of every month?

yes you have to take your birth control bill daily or you have every chance of getting pregnant, as a miss in taking it will make you pregnant.

If you stop taking the pill after 3 days of being on it can you still get pregnant that month?

Yes birth control pills aren't effective until you complete one full month of taking them.

Can you be pregnant if you stopped taking your birth control pills a month and a half ago?

Yes it is possible, take a test!

You just stop taking your birth control pills about a month ago how can you become pregnant?

By having unprotected sex.

Is it possible to retain a lot of water for a while after you stop taking the birth control pill?

Dear Reader; Yes since the effects of the pill linger. If there is no change at a month it is suggested to check with your health care provider. Dwight