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the inner delicate tissues will dry up hence the plant leaves shrinking due2 no transport of water and mineral salt.

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Q: What will happen if a root hair cell is exposed to sunlight?
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If you dye your hair with lemon juice should your hair be wet or dry?

The acidic quality of lemon juice can lighten the hair slightly when exposed to sunlight. Hair should be dry so that it can absorb the lemon juice properly.

How does sunlight lighten hair color?

Sunlight has a 'bleaching' effect on light coloured hair.

Why is there no chlorophyll in the root hair cell of a plant?

Chlorophyll needs sunlight to convert water and soil nutrients into food, and the roots do not get any sunshine.

Where is a hair cell found?

growing hair

Name a type of plant cell that may not have chloroplasts?

Chloroplasts need sunlight for development. However, there are plants that do not have chloroplasts and therefore, do not need sunlight. Some of these plants include rhizomes, tubers, and root crops. Window leaf plants and parasitic plants also do not have chloroplasts.

Does a root hair cell contain mitochondria?

Yes, root hair cells contain mitochondria. Mitochondria are responsible for producing energy in the form of ATP through cellular respiration, which is crucial for the metabolic processes in the root hair cell, including nutrient uptake and growth.

What is the difference between a leaf cell and root hair cell?

Leaves' cells are made to absorb sunlight and produce sugar for the plant. Roots' cells are made to absorb water.

Does the root hair cell have a cell wall?

yes. A root hair cell has a cell wall.

Does blond hair turn brown?

brown is a dominant allele in a blond-brown gene, if you have that allele you'll turn out brunette. Some believe that kids will have lighter hair at birth but which will darken as it's exposed to sunlight which stimulates the chemicals needed for pigment (forgot name of said pigment, but see wikipedia, hair color). This is supported mostly because that's what eye color does- exposure to sunlight stimulates production of pigment in the irises.

When living yeast cell were place in methylene blue they became blue why did this happen?

Methylene blue is a dye that can enter cells and bind to structures within the cell. When living yeast cells were placed in methylene blue, the dye penetrated the cell membrane and bound to various cellular components, causing the cells to exhibit a blue coloration.

How does the shape of the root hair cell help to do its job?

The shape helps the root hair cell to move around the body, the nucleus helps the root hair cell, the root hair cell is about the same shape as a nerve cell

Is a root hair a cell?

a root hair cell is the base of the plant