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Q: What will happen if all the oxygen disappear?
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What will happen if forests and grasslands disappear?

we will all die because trees give oxygen and if there is no forest there is no trees which means there is no oxygen and then we will die because we have no oxygen

What would happen if the vast areas of forests are cleared?

Oxygen levels will decrease and species of animals will gradually disappear.

What will happen if plants and animals disappear from Earth?

We will all die!

What will happen if forests disappear?

Many animals who make their homes in the forests will also disappear, and so will the animals who feed on these animals. This devastation will travel all the way up the food chain. Trees produce most of our oxygen, also, so we would not have enough to breathe. In addition, our source for lumber will disappear.

What will happen if plants and animals disappear from the earth surface?

If the plants and animals disappear from the Earth's surface, then the ecological balance will be disturbed. Without plants there will be no oxygen available for breathing after some time and everybody will die.

What would happen to the food chain if the alligators disappear?

all the animal would die

What would happen if human continued to clear and burn vast areas of forests for building?

Oxygen levels will gradually decrease and more species of animals will disappear.

What will happen if the forests disappear?

If the forests disappear, forest animals will disappear as well which can disrupt the whole food chain.

What will happen if resources will disappear?

We die

When and where did Jimmy Hoffa disappear?

When did it happen?

What happen if all oxygen converted into ozone?

If all the oxygen was converted into ozone, there will be no breathing gas. We need oxygen to support human life.

What do you think will happen if all plants on the disappeared?

Although it is a hypothetical situation. If all the green plants will disappear from earth then it will cause a decrease in the concentration of the oxygen to such a low level that it would not be sufficient for all the living organisms for breathing. Thus, it will result in their death.