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it will turn red

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6d ago

The litmus paper will turn blue if dipped in lime water, indicating that the lime water is basic. Lime water is a solution of calcium hydroxide, which is a strong base that can turn litmus paper blue.

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How does an acid affect blue litmus paper?

An acid turns blue litmus paper red. This is because the acid donates a proton (H+) to the water in the litmus paper, changing the pH and causing the litmus paper to change color.

What is the reaction with litmus paper after boiling the water and ferric chloride mixture?

Boiling the water and ferric chloride mixture will not change the color of litmus paper, as litmus paper is not sensitive to the presence of ferric chloride. Litmus paper is typically used to test for acidity or basicity in a solution.

Why doesn't water have any effect on litmus paper?

Litmus paper is sensitive to changes in acidity or alkalinity, not simply the presence of water. Water is neutral and does not significantly alter the pH of a solution, so it does not cause a noticeable change in the color of litmus paper.

What color did the litmus paper turn to when you test tap water?

There are different types of Litmus paper and so the exact color may differ for each of these types. Also, water itself is neutral when pure but most tap water is slightly basic so it depends on what you use. -- Tap water will not cause any colour change when tested with litmus paper. Blue litmus paper remains blue, the same goes for red litmus paper. Although the above statement says that tap water is slightly basic, the pH is still close to neutral and will not be significant enough to cause a colour change for the litmus paper.

What colour of purple litmus when mixed with tap water?

Purple litmus paper will remain purple when dipped in tap water. Tap water is typically neutral or slightly basic, so it will not cause a color change in purple litmus paper.

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What will happen when paper is added to water?

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What happens to litmus paper when water is added?

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What will litmus paper do to a solution with Na Cl?

Litmus paper doesn't "do anything" to a solution. Litmus paper has some dyes on it, so some of the dyes might leak into the solution though. NaCl won't do anything to Litmus paper either. Salt, when dissolved in water, maintains a neutral solution. Litmus paper only changes color when there is a pH change. So, nothing really will happen.

What color is iodine on litmus paper?

The water solution of iodine turn blue litmus paper to red.

When Litmus paper when added to calcium oxide and water?

the red litmus paper turns blue and the blue litmus paper remains blue indicating that the mixture is acidic>

How does an acid affect blue litmus paper?

An acid turns blue litmus paper red. This is because the acid donates a proton (H+) to the water in the litmus paper, changing the pH and causing the litmus paper to change color.

What is the reaction with litmus paper after boiling the water and ferric chloride mixture?

Boiling the water and ferric chloride mixture will not change the color of litmus paper, as litmus paper is not sensitive to the presence of ferric chloride. Litmus paper is typically used to test for acidity or basicity in a solution.

What does not change litmus paper color?


Why doesn't water have any effect on litmus paper?

Litmus paper is sensitive to changes in acidity or alkalinity, not simply the presence of water. Water is neutral and does not significantly alter the pH of a solution, so it does not cause a noticeable change in the color of litmus paper.

What is the effect of lime water on litmus paper?

carbon dioxide turns wet blue litmus red because carbon dioxide dissolves in water to form weak dibasic acid called carbonic acid

What is the color of salt mixed with water using litmus paper?

THE COLOUR of the litmus paper will not change as a salt solution is neutral

Why does not acids burn litmus paper?

Actually, some acids do burn litmus paper. Hydrochloric acid, for example, can burn paper, but the litmus on litmus paper shields the paper from the acid. Sulfuric acid, however, has dehydration properties, and would suck the water right out from the paper, charring it instantly.