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It will still grow as artificial light is still light.

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Q: What will happen to a plant under artificial light?
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How can a plant grow under a artificial light?

yes, yes it can

How do a plant photosynthesis when it is under ground?

they need light to do so. You can use artificial light.

How long can a plant live with artificial light and water?

If there are enough nutrients in the water, a plant can live on indefinately under artificial light. Just light and water alone would not be enough to support the plant for very long.

Why do plants grown in artificial light rot?

Many plant types are grown under artificial light and they do not rot. If the light intensity is too poor the plant will become spindly and probably die (due to lack of light rather than rot). If the plant is rotting, the problem is probably to do with drainage or over watering.

A plant does not grow under artificial light because it does not have the nutrients that sunlight has?

sunlight does not contain nutrients! it comprises of various wavelengths of light - some which the plant uses and others not

Can plants use light as sun?

Sure. In fact, if you place a plant under an artificial light source, it will lean toward the light source as if it were the sun.

Which type of wild flower grows best under artificial light?

Orchids because they react well under artificial light.

What would happen to a plants production if it was left under a green colored light?

it depends on the plant, each plant reacts in a different way.

Do plants grow under artificial light?


Which type of wildflower grows best under artificial light?

The bluebonnets

How does the African violet respond to different kinds of light?

Bright vs. Dim Bright light will cause the center of the plant to grow very tightly, and can cause 'sunburns' on the leaves. Not enough light will cause the leaves to reach up (and look like a celery plant!). Natural light vs. artificial light Some plants seem to do best with natural light, and others only seem happy under regulated artificial lights! You can experiment and see what your plant likes best. The temperature also has an effect on the plants, especially variegated plants!

How do you determine which of the three vegetables grow best under artificial light by using the scientific method?

By putting the plants under the light and seeing which one does better.