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When red onions are placed in a solution with fifteenth percent salt and forty- five percent water, the water leaves the red onion cells through osmosis until the cell membrane will eventually collapse.

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11y ago
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13y ago

The solution is 0.7% salt and 99.3% water the solution is hypotonic to the blood cell.

When you place a cell into a hypotonic solution all of the water from the solution will come into the cell in order to equalize pressure. but because it cannot equalize it, the cell will eventually burst.

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10y ago

Tthe isotonic salinity of blood is 0.9%,so the 10% will shrink a lot as the water is removed by osmosis, and the 0.7 will swell a bit.

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11y ago

The water will osmotically leave the red blood cell and it will crenelate.

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Q: What will happen to a red blood cell placed in a solution of 99.3 percent water and 0.7 percent salt?
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