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When you rub one balloon with wool, and then rub another balloon with wool,

we can safely assume that both balloons acquire the same kind of charge. So

when you try to bring them together, they'll repel each other (push apart).

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The two balloons will exhibit static electricity and repel each other due to the like charges that were generated from the friction with the wool. This is known as electrostatic repulsion, where the negative charges on the balloons push each other away.

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Q: What will happen when two balloons are brought together right after they are rubbed on a piece of wool?
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You rubbed two balloons together and they stuck together is it possible?

Yes, it is possible for two balloons to stick together after being rubbed together. This is due to a build-up of static electricity on the surface of the balloons, causing them to attract and stick to each other.

Why do balloons stick to tissues when they are rubbed together?

When balloons are rubbed against tissues, they become charged with static electricity. The tissues also become charged, but with the opposite charge. This opposite charge attraction between the balloon and tissue causes them to stick together.

When 2 balloons were rubbed with a sock what happens when you put the balloons next to each other?

When two balloons are rubbed with a sock, they become charged with static electricity. When brought close to each other, the like charges repel each other, causing the balloons to push away from each other due to the electrostatic force.

Why do two balloons that have been rubbed on a sweater repel each other?

When balloons are rubbed on a sweater, they become charged with static electricity. The balloons acquire a net negative charge, causing them to repel each other due to their like charges. This phenomenon is known as electrostatic repulsion.

What kind of materials can be electrically charged when they are rubbed together?

Materials that can become electrically charged when rubbed together are known as insulators. These materials include rubber, glass, plastic, wool, and fur. When rubbed together, the transfer of electrons between the materials creates an imbalance of charges, resulting in one material becoming positively charged and the other negatively charged.

Related questions

You rubbed two balloons together and they stuck together is it possible?

Yes, it is possible for two balloons to stick together after being rubbed together. This is due to a build-up of static electricity on the surface of the balloons, causing them to attract and stick to each other.

Why do balloons stick to tissues when they are rubbed together?

When balloons are rubbed against tissues, they become charged with static electricity. The tissues also become charged, but with the opposite charge. This opposite charge attraction between the balloon and tissue causes them to stick together.

When 2 balloons were rubbed with a sock what happens when you put the balloons next to each other?

When two balloons are rubbed with a sock, they become charged with static electricity. When brought close to each other, the like charges repel each other, causing the balloons to push away from each other due to the electrostatic force.

How did the earthquake in Christ church happen?

The tectonic plate's rubbed together and then the earth quake apears .

Why do two balloons that have been rubbed on a sweater repel each other?

When balloons are rubbed on a sweater, they become charged with static electricity. The balloons acquire a net negative charge, causing them to repel each other due to their like charges. This phenomenon is known as electrostatic repulsion.

What kind of materials can be electrically charged when they are rubbed together?

Materials that can become electrically charged when rubbed together are known as insulators. These materials include rubber, glass, plastic, wool, and fur. When rubbed together, the transfer of electrons between the materials creates an imbalance of charges, resulting in one material becoming positively charged and the other negatively charged.

What will happen to the can when the rubbed balloon is brought close to it?

When the rubbed balloon is brought close to the can, electrons will transfer from the can to the balloon, creating a net positive charge on the can. This causes the can to be attracted to the negatively charged balloon, leading to the can moving towards the balloon until they touch or reach a balance in the electrostatic forces.

Why do two balloons attract when rubbed on jeans?

Rubbing the balloons on jeans transfers electrons between them, creating a charge imbalance. One balloon becomes negatively charged while the other becomes positively charged. Opposite charges attract each other, leading to the balloons being drawn together.

How did the balloons get attracted when two balloons tied when the balloons rubbed with sweater they were attracted?

When the balloons rub against the sweater, they pick up extra electrons, giving them a negative charge. Similar charges repel each other, so the negatively charged balloons are attracted to the positively charged areas on each other. This causes the balloons to stick together momentarily due to electrostatic forces before the charges eventually spread out and they separate.

Do balloons rubbed with wool cloth have the same charge?

No, balloons rubbed with wool cloth will have opposite charges. The balloon becomes negatively charged by gaining electrons from the wool cloth, while the wool cloth becomes positively charged by losing electrons to the balloon. This results in the balloons having different charges.

What will happen if you rubbed the surface of the newspaper?

if you rubbed it where there was ink, you would get a black mark.

What two stones can be rubbed together to make fire?

Flint and Steel can be rubbed together to make fire.