

Where would a ferret hide?

Updated: 10/9/2023
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12y ago

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When you get a ferret, the first thing you need to do is proper training for your ferret to come to you when called. That can be done with a toy with a bell or squeaker (or anything that makes noise and attracts their attention) while calling their name and using treats. If your ferret is in a place that you can't find him, he should come to you unless fallen asleep. Ferrets should never hide from humans - unless they are being abused or not taken care of properly. Properly socialized ferrets will seek humans and not hide.

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Anywhere dark and comfy. A normal spot is usually under a bed, or in a blanket, or even in a sleeper hide if you bought one.

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A ferret would be at risk if you don't know the proper care

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Cmon man, a ferret year is as long as a human year but if you mean in comparison to dog years, which is 7:1 human, then a ferret year would be 12:1 if your ferret lives to be ten, that would be 120 years old.

What happens when you shave a ferret?

Of course not. Here are the reasons: 1. It is dangerous. you could cut the ferret. And it's just plain dangerous. 2. A ferret needs its fur for warmth. 3. Your ferret would be miserable without fur. So just don't. Okay? Good.

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