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their mother and father

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Q: What will your great-grandchildren call your grandchildren?
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Samuel Goodhue has written: 'The advice and counsel of Deacon Samuel Goodhue, late of Hollis, to his children, grandchildren, and greatgrandchildren' -- subject(s): Christian life

What do my grandchildren call my sisters grandchildren?

You are a great-aunt.

What do you call a collection of grandchildren?

Potential insanity.

What name do Goldie Hawn's grandchildren call her?

Goldie Hawn goes by Go-Go (to her grandchildren).

What do Queen Elizabeth's grandchildren call her?

In formal circumstances, "Your Majesty". I do not what she is called by them in private.

What should a husbands grandchildren call his current wife?

If remarried, then step-grandma.

What do you call your children's children's children?

They are called your great grandchildren. Your children's children's children's children is you great-great grandchildren. Your chil- you get the point. Learn it from your mom or dad!

What do you call your great grandfather's brother's great grandchildren?

The brother of your great grandfather is your great great uncle. Your great great uncle's great grandchildren are your third cousins.

What do you call two grandmothers related by different grandchildren if my grandson has an older half brother with a different grandmother?

There is no word in the English language for a relationship between grandmothers of related grandchildren

What do your grandchildren call your sister?

2nd or 3rd cousins depending on what country your from.... it varies throughout the world

What do you call grandmother in french?

A grandmother is 'une grand-mère' in French. Grandchildren often call her 'Mamie'.

Does Jimmy Swaggarts have grandchildren?

Yes, Jimmy Swaggart does have grandchildren and great grandchildren. As of May 2014, he has 3 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren.