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Q: What word describes an enclosure for animals?
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Feminine of bawn?

In English, the word bawn, a stone wall for fortification or enclosure for keeping animals, is a neuter noun.

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What is a sentence using the word enclosure?

a sentence using the word enclosure is: As you can see, the entire deck is protected inside the enclosure.

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What is an example of a sentence using the word enclosure?

An animal enclosure on a farm is called a pen.A playpen is an enclosure for a baby up to toddler age.I received an invitation with a flyer as an enclosure.

What is an enclosure for live animals called?


What is a sentence using the word ENCLOSURE!?

Please shut the gate to the enclosure. Please find my enclosure, a check.

What is the word that describes the meaning of plants and animals are about to disappear?

Endangered species.