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Q: What word is derived from an Ancient Greek epic?
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the word democracy derived from an ancient greek term

The word ethics is derived from which language?

Ethics is a borrowing from Ancient Greek.

What is the greek word for epic?

The Greek word for "Epic" is "έπος".

Greek word for sophistication?

The ancient Greek that the word sophistication is derived from is sophistikos. There are other translations that are more modern, including the word epitidefsi.

Is the root word 'hemo-' a Greek word or a Latin word?

The root word 'hemo-' is a Greek word. It is derived from the Greek word "haima," which means blood.

Did ancient Greeks use the same words as Americans?

In a word, no, although many modern English words are derived from ancient Greek words, and both Greek and English are ultimately derived from the same ancient language, known today as Proto-Indo-European.

What is the origin of archeologist?

The word is from Late Latin 'archaeologia' meaning a study of what is ancient, There is also a Greek word 'arkhaiologia' derived from 'arkhaios' meaning ancient or beginning

What does the word police stand for?

It's derived from Medieval French, which in turn was derived from Latin (politia - civil administration), and was further derived from ancient Greek (Polis - city).

What is a word that is a way to score in baseball that is also a Greek epic poem?

The word is "Homer." In baseball, a "homer" is short for a home run where a batter scores by hitting the ball out of the park. In Greek literature, "The Iliad" and "The Odyssey" are epic poems attributed to the ancient Greek poet Homer.

Who invented trophys?

Since ancient times trophies have marked victories. In fact, the word "trophy" is derived from the Greek word tropaion.

Is Xenon a Greek word?

It is derived from xenos, which is a Greek word.

Does the word tavern derive from Latin or Greek?

Tavern comes from the Latin word, "taverna". It is unique to Latin, rather than originating in ancient Greek. Interestingly, however, the modern Greek language does use the word "taverna", but it was incorporated into modern Greek from Latin (and Romance languages) instead of having been derived from ancient Greek.