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Q: What works against each other to maintain homeostasis?
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How does the human body works to maintain homeostasis?

The human body maintains homeostasis because homeostasis is the maintenance of stable internal conditions in a changing environment. individual cells ,must maintain homeostasis in order to live.- information from *Amaz!nqq Shorty*

What is the relationship between active transport and homostasis?

Active transport works to maintain homeostasis.

What jobs does the nervous system have?

The nervous system works with the endocrine system to maintain homeostasis in our bodies.

How does the body's systems work together to maintain balance?

Well your body works to maintain homeostasis (which is balance) so for example if there is to much glucose in your blood then your body will produce insulin to love sugar level and maintain homeostasis its a natural body function

How do the human body systems depend on each other?

An organism works by having all its systems functioning in a coordinated effort to maintain homeostasis.

How does the urinary system work with the other body systems to accomplish its job?

The urinary system works with the digestive system to release the waste from the digestion, and it also works with the circulatory system. The urinary system (again) releases waste from the body and filters the blood inside of you.

What is a function of all organ system?

The role of organ system is ensure that the entire body works properly.

How does the respiratory system works in homeostasis with the other system?

kings evil? hey told ya that didn't I?

Why your body need energy when you walk during cold season?

Energy is used to maintain homeostasis, your body works constantly to keep your body at a normal temperature and pH etc.

How does homeostasis work in the body?

Homeostasis works in our body by sleeping eating and more I hope this work for me and for you

What organ system helps maintain homeostasis?

Each body system contributes to the homeostasis of other systemsand of the entire organism. No system of the body works inisolation, and the well-being of the person depends upon thewell-being of all the system generally has consequences for several additional bodysystems. Here are some brief explanations of how various bodysystems contribute to the maintenance of homeostasis:bdbf

How does a reflex arc help maintain homeostasis?

Homeostasis works as a negative feedback mechanism, which is a kind of reflex action. When the body detects changes in external/internal environment, the receptor will generate a nerve impulse to the coordination centre and then make a response through effector. This is a reflex arc.