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Don't exist, probably a spelling error.

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Q: What would Ankop be in the Romanian alphabet?
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Is the Romanian Alphabet the same as the Roman alphabet?

There is no Roman alphabet. It's called the Latin alphabet, and yes, the Romanian alphabet is a variety of the Latin alphabet, just as English is.

How do you make Romanian letters?

The Romanian alphabet is Latin.

How many letters in the Romanian alphabet?

That's easy 31

How do you say Forgive Me in Romanian and how is it written in Cyrillic?

Iartă-mă. Romanian hasn't used the cyrillic alphabet for a very long time now.

When Cyrillic alphabet change to Romanian Latin alphabet who did implement it perhaps circumstances reasons and when?

I think the "scoala ardeleana" wanted in 1860 to change the cyrillic to latin because the romanian language is a latin language and it suits it better-----------The Latin alphabet become official in Principatele Unite ale Moldovei şi Ţării Româneşti in 1862, during the reign of Alexandru Ioan Cuza. The Romanian language is a Latin (Romanic) language; the Cyrillic alphabet was introduced many centuries ago by Bulgarians and Serbians monks speaking Slavic languages and unaware of the Romanian language.

What alphabet do Portuguese speakers use?

Portuguese speakers use the Latin alphabet, which consists of 26 letters. This alphabet is used to write Portuguese, as well as many other languages around the world.

Is the accent usually placed on the schwa syllable?

No. Relatively few languages do this, though a few, like Romanian, do this occasionally (the Romanian alphabet has a letter Ă / ă that is pronounced as the schwa sound).

Would you translate the answer into Romanian?

The Romanian language equivalent of the answer is răspunsul.

The correct answer in romanian for how are you?

In english, the answer would be "I am fine!" In romanian, it would be it`t translation , "Sunt bine!"

How soon would you get Romanian permanent residency if you marry a Romanian citizen?

After 3 years of legally married with a Romanian citizen, you can apply for a parmanent residence (Romanian Passport).

What is it called when a different language is written with English alphabet?

The English Language uses the Roman Alphabet. Normally it is not noted when another language is written using the Roman Alphabet. Sometimes it is noted when referring to the Romanian Language. In Romania, the Roman Alphabet is used. In Moldavia, the Cyrillic Alphabet is used for the same language. Since all Western European Languages, except for Greek, use the Roman Alphabet, normally no one mentions it.

How would you say Cassidy in Romanian language?

Cassidy is also Cassidi in Romanian language.The pronounciation is "cassidi".