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Q: What would become of the French monarchy under the national convention (1792)?
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How did the enlightenment lead France to become a constitutional monarchy in 1789?

The National Assembly of France completed the drafting of the constitution in 1791.Its main objective was to limit the powers of the monarch.These powers instead of being concentrated in the hands of one person, were now seperated and assigned to different institutions- The Legesliature, The Executive and The Judiciary.This made France a constitutional monarchy.

What is the symbol blue white red in french revolution?

Because it shows that france has abolished monarchy and had become a republic.

Why do french celebrate bastill day?

The French celebrate Bastille Day because it marks the day when the French Revolution started and also the process of their nation getting rid of the monarchy, to become a republic.

Did the french revolution cause France to become a country?

No, France had been an independent country for a very long time. It caused France to become a republic instead of an monarchy.

Fall of Bastille?

The Bastille was a political prison that had become a symbol to French peasants of the tyranny of the monarchy. It was stormed and the prisons in it freed in 1789.

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When did Russia stop being a monarchy and become a republic?

How did life change during the middle ages-?

After the hundred years war, monarchies in Europe grew stronger. The French king no longer had to worry about the English king claiming his throne. The French monarchy would eventually become the best example of absolute monarchy. New ideas about learning, science, and art would lead to the European Renaissance.

Why did napoleon first become popular?

Napoleon was a brilliant general who successfully defended the French Revolution against the intervention of foreign monarchs who saw the overthrow of the French monarchy as a bad precedent which should not be allowed.

Can the democracy of the US ever become a monarchy?

The US could only become a monarchy if the Constitution is completely overthrown and done away with.

How did Norway become a constitutional monarchy?

in 1905 the majority voted for monarchy after the separation from Sweden

Was the French Revolution beneficial to ordinary citizens?

It failed to wipe out everone's poverty and suffering but it was an improvement over what existed in the days of an absolute monarchy. They had become citizens of France.

Why was the storming of the bastile important?

The storming of the Bastille jail by the Parisians on July 14, 1789 marks the start of the French Revolution.It eventually led to the abolition of monarchy and the founding of the French Republic, which is why the French Republic celebrates its anniversary as a national holiday every year on July 14, regardless of the day of the week.Bastille Day ("le quatorze juillet" or "la fête nationale" in French) is the most important national day.It had a mostly symbolic importance since the Bastille was a prison and armory. It had become representative of the oppressive nature of the French monarchy.It called many people to action (apex)