

Best Answer

It could be a bruise or a harmless fatty tumor. It could also be an enlarged spleen which would indicate a serious problem and be rapidly fatal if ruptured or a cancer.

You should see your doctor.

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Q: What would cause a large lump like swelling and pain below left rib cage more on the side Between waist and ribs?
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Why does an injury swell?

Most people will have swelling at some time. When it is hot and you have stood or sat in the same position for a long time, you might notice swelling in your feet and ankles. Staying in one position for any length of time increases the risk that the lower legs, feet, or hands will swell because body fluid will normally move down a limb from the effects of gravity. Swelling can also be caused by heat-related problems, such as heat edema from working or being active in a hot environment.Body fluid can collect in different tissue spaces of the body (localized) or can affect the whole body (generalized). Causes of localized swelling include:Injury to a specific body area. Bruising (contusion) from an injury is caused by tears in the small blood vessels under the skin. Bleeding can also affect the joint (hemarthrosis) or the area that cushions and lubricates the joint (traumatic bursitis). Swelling can affect just one area or may involve large sections of the body, such as swelling that occurs following a motor vehicle accident.Infection, which can occur in a joint or under the skin. An abscess is a pocket of pus that forms at the site of infected tissue. Cellulitis is a skin infection that can cause mild or severe swelling.Burns, which can cause swelling at the site of the burn or in a larger area around the burn.Inflammation that occurs when tissue is irritated by overuse or repeated motion. Swelling of the tendon and swelling caused by a series of small tears around a tendon (tendinosis) can occur together or separately.Swelling of the sac that cushions and lubricates the joint (bursitis) can be caused by prolonged or repeated pressure or by activities that require repeated twisting or rapid joint movements.Insect bites or stings. Most insect bites or stings cause a small amount of redness or swelling. Some people have an allergic reaction to a bite or sting and develop a lot of swelling, redness, and itching.Other causes, such as swelling related to a saclike structure with clear fluid, blood, or pus (cyst) or a swollen organ, such as a salivary gland. For more information, see the topic Swollen Glands.Causes of generalized swelling include:Allergic reaction. Sudden swelling of the hands and face may be a severe allergic reaction and needs immediate medical evaluation.Autoimmune diseases, such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and scleroderma. These diseases can cause swelling when the body produces antibodies and other cells that attack and destroy tissues in the body.Medications. Some medications change how body fluids circulate, causing swelling. Swelling may also occur as an allergic reaction to a medication.Circulation problems related to certain medical conditions, such as peripheral arterial disease, heart failure, diabetes, or kidney disease. Thrombophlebitis causes swelling of an extremity when a blood clot interrupts blood flow in a vein in the arm or leg.Fluid that accumulates in the abdomen (ascites) because of other problems, such as malnutrition, obesity, cirrhosis, or liver disease.

Abnormally large portion of the large intestine located between the cecum and rectum?


What is erosion of the Pituitary fossa in human skull and why it is caused?

The pituitary fossa is that part of the skull that lies beneath the pituitary gland. Erosion, or thinning, of this bone is a common result of a variety of health conditions. There are a number of small cavities in this region, so if any swelling occurs in this region then there is a large pressure build up, which can cause the fossa to be eroded. Two examples of conditions that might cause erosion of the fossa include a pituitary tumour or nasal polyps.

What are the adaptations of spongy mesophyll cells?

Spongy mesophyll cells are usually ball or irregularly shaped and contain a limited number o chloroplasts. It is found below the palisade layer. The large spaced between each cell in the mesophyll allow for the exchange of gases which is incredibly important to a plants survival. It is how the carbon dioxide is received and the oxygen is released.

Is your appendix in your leg?

No, your appendix is attached below your cecum, the first part of that large intestine. A leg is an appendage.

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Swelling on the mustache area can be caused by an ingrown hair, or hairs if the swelling area is large. If the swelling is inside of your mouth, it may be an infection in your gums. If the problem persists, you should probably consult a doctor.

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In very unusual circumstances, large doses of thiamine may cause rashes, itching, or swelling. These reactions are more common with intravenous injections than oral supplements.

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No, but hypERthyroidism can cause a sore throat.

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Alcohol can kill you on the spot if you drink a huge amount of alcohol, drink grain alcohol in large amounts, or are allergic to alcohol. Allergies to alcohol can cause throat swelling and an inability to breathe.

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A strange painless swelling on your forehead above your eye could be a pimple. If it grows to a large size, consult your doctor.

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cubaCuba, for one.Take a look at the map - link below.