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Factors that can increase white blood cell count include infections, inflammation, stress, smoking, and certain medication reactions. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider if you are concerned about elevated white blood cell count.

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Why are white blood cells in a stained blood smear usually counted at low power under a microscope?

White blood cells are counted at low power under a microscope in stained blood smears because it allows for a larger field of view to accurately count the cells. This ensures a more representative sample of white blood cells to obtain a more accurate count.

Would a blood count of 600 constitute cancer?

A blood count of 600 alone does not necessarily indicate cancer. Cancer diagnosis typically involves a combination of tests including blood work, imaging studies, and biopsies to confirm the presence of cancer cells. It's important to consult a healthcare professional for a comprehensive evaluation if cancer is suspected.

What would a White blood cell count of 35000 mean?

A white blood cell count of 35,000 is higher than normal and may suggest an infection, inflammation, or other underlying medical conditions. Further evaluation, including a detailed medical history, physical examination, and additional tests, would be needed to determine the cause and appropriate treatment.

Your doctor told you that your white blood cells are high and that if they don't go down I won't be able to have back surgery so what does the high white blood count have to do with you having surgery?

A high white blood cell count can indicate an ongoing infection or inflammation in the body, which could increase the risk of complications during surgery and affect the healing process afterwards. It is important for the white blood cell count to be within a normal range prior to surgery to minimize these risks and ensure a successful outcome.

How many white blood cell are there for every 600 to 800 red blood cell?

There are 500 white blood cells to every 1000 red blood cells (or you could say there is double the amount of red blood cells). The answer would be 200 red blood cells for every 100 white blood cells.

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Would appendicitis show up on a blood test?

yes.And the white blood cell will count very high due to the infection of apendicsus.

How do you build your white blood cells?

An infection would increase a person's white blood cell count.

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Can a bladder infection cause a low white blood count

Why would a baby be born with high white blood count?

There are a great number of reasons that a baby might be born with high white blood count. One reason is that they may have an infection.

What kind a count would you do to check if a patient has an infection?

white blood cell

What does a white blood cell count of 40000 mean?

A normal white blood cell count is within the range of 4,500 to 10,000 cells/mcL, so a count of 40,000 is very high. This would indicate that the body is responding to an infection.

If a patient has a disease and blood was drawn what would show?

It will generally show a high white blood cell count.

Why would such a count for white blood cells be helpful?

because it help get away backterah

What could be the cause of a low white blood count and a low red blood count?

You should probably see a doctor.........White blood cells and cells that fight infection are the same thing........You might have a skin disease Also, a high white blood cell count means that your body is fighting an infection somewhere internally, or in your case, possibley externally.

Is White cell count 12.5 good?

white cell count 12.5 thousand/cumm shows mild inf. in adult, however it is normal in neonate. ref.range in adult is 4.0-11.0 thous/cumm.

What would be considered a high white cell blood count?

over 10,000 cells per microliter

Who would be able to count white blood cells?

White blood cells can be counted by a lab technician, usually a haematologist. When a blood sample is taken the number of white blood cells can be counted and if increased or decreased from the norm this will help in a diagnosis being made.