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Q: What would fall faster a feather or a piece of paper?
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Would a feather and a piece of paper fall at the same time?

pretty much the same

How thick would a piece of paper folded in half be?

Folding the piece of paper does not change the thickness of the piece of paper. However, the thickness of the folded paper would be twice that of the original sheet of paper.

What falls faster a crumpled ball of paper or a flat sheet of paper?

Assuming that both pieces of paper weigh the same, a crumpled piece falls faster in the presence of an atmosphere. In a vacuum, they would fall at the same speed due to the lack of wind resistence.

What unit would you use to measure a piece of paper?

the unit is pop. = Piece Of Paper

How do you save a pirate overboard with a raincoat.a feather piece of gold?

Macgyver would know...

Why would a crumpled piece of paper hit the ground before a flat piece of paper?

Because a flat piece of paper has a larger surface area and therefore more wind resistance. But in a crumbled piece of paper the wind resistance is less.

If you fold a piece of paper in half 50 times how tall would it be?

You can't fold a piece of paper 50 times

No air resistance what would fall first a baseball or a piece of paper?

Robert boyle conducted an experiment using a bullet and a feather inside a vacuum container it proved gallileos theory that everything drops at the same speed

What weighs more in mass a sheet of paper or a feather?

It depends on the size of the sheet of paper and the size of the feather. The only way to determine whether a particular sheet of paper has more mass than a particular feather is to compare them using a method that objectively measures mass. Using an accurate laboratory scale would be the easiest way to make this determination.

If a gerbil peed on a piece of paper would it stain?

yes it would

Who dropped the feather and hammer in Apollo 11?

It was Neil Armstrong , to find out which object would land faster on the moon.

If you drop a two kilogram ball from rest how far has it traveled after 10 seconds?

weight does not matter. if it has air resistance which makes a paper air plane fly straight and faster which is the point at the end than it will go faster but if its flat like a piece of paper than it will float. im just estimating but i would say it would go 500 or 600 feet maybe in between that.