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If it happened overnight, the effects on life would be disastrous in short order. Earth's magnetosphere relies on the dynamo effect created in the molten outer core. Without it, Earth's surface would be bombarded with deadly solar radiation, destroying the food chain. Deep sea vents would vanish also as well as most of the atmosphere. Oceans would dry up and Earth would more closely resemble Mars.

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15y ago
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14y ago

if there were no tectonic plates, then the earth would be very boring. there wouldn't be any earthquakes, and there would be no volcanoes or mountains.

hope this helps!

Possibly no very advanced life would have emerged, since a boring landscape would give little incentive to evolution.

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13y ago

the pushes and pulls of the tectonic forces would decrease.

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12y ago

If the lithosphere was gone then the more volcanoes would take place because of the lesser protection and earth's layers the more power the volcano has.

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