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If there were no wind turbines, renewable energy production would decrease, leading to increased reliance on fossil fuels for power generation. This could result in higher greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to climate change. Additionally, the development of clean energy technologies and the transition to a more sustainable energy system would be hindered.

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Q: What would happen if their were no wind turbines?
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How many wind turbines would it take for it to power the electricity a power plant does?

The number of wind turbines needed would depend on various factors such as the size and capacity of the power plant, the efficiency of the turbines, and the local wind conditions. In general, it would likely require a significant number of turbines to match the electricity output of a power plant.

What is a cluster of wind turbines called?

A cluster of wind turbines is typically referred to as a wind farm. These wind farms are designed to generate electricity by harnessing the power of the wind through multiple turbines working together in the same location.

How do Darrieus wind turbines differ from Brush wind turbines?

Darrieus wind turbines have a vertical axis and rely on lift forces to spin the blades, while Brush wind turbines have a horizontal axis and capture wind with a larger rotor diameter. Darrieus turbines are typically smaller and better suited for urban environments, while Brush turbines are larger and more efficient for utility-scale applications.

What is it called when several wind turbines are clustered togethered?

A group of wind turbines clustered together is often referred to as a wind farm or wind turbine array. The turbines are strategically placed in close proximity to maximize energy generation from wind resources.

Is wind electrical energy?

Wind is not electrical energy itself, but it can be harnessed to create electrical energy through technologies like wind turbines. Wind turbines use the kinetic energy of the wind to spin turbines, which then generate electricity through a generator.

Related questions

What would happen if there were no wind turbines?

We wouldn't have any wind energy!

What else do wind turbines kill?

Turbines really kills something that passes it (Above) and those on the bottom nothing will happen.

What is the most interesting thing about wind turbines?

Apparently Wind Turbines can make Bat's Lungs explode. . . You would need between 500 and 1000 wind turbines to match the energy for a power plant!

What are some of the different designs of wind turbines?

country side wind turbines and modern turbines

What direction do wind turbines face in a southerly wind direction?

Wind turbines typically face into the wind direction, so in a southerly wind direction, the turbines would face north. This position allows them to capture the most wind and generate the maximum amount of energy.

How can you modify the distribution of the wind turbines based on the exact diameter of the wind turbine?

The wind turbines are on fixed foundations therefore it would be extremely difficult to modify their distribution.

Would wind turbines be able to run a school?

It would certainly be possible to produce enough electricity by means of wind turbines, to supply the electric needs of a school.

What does wind turbines do?

A wind turbines uses the wind to power an electricity generator.

How many wind turbines needed to power us?

About 1 million wind turbines would be needed to power the entire United States.

How many wind turbines in an average house?

None actually, Homes do not use wind turbines and if they did they would be on the roof rather than inside :-)

What is a common type of wind turbine?

Horizontal axis wind turbines, modern wind turbines, vertical axis turbines.

What are wind turbines made?

Wind energy is made by spinning turbines. The wind spins the wind turbines and they generate energy.