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If there was no water vapour in the sky, we wouldn't have rain, the water cycle wouldn't take place, and life on earth would no longer exist.

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Q: What would happen if there was no water vapor in the atmosphere?
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What would happen if the air in the upper atmosphere were warmer than the water vapor that was continued in the air?

If the air in the in the upper atmosphere were warmer than the water vapor that was continued in the air would make the earth colder in the air.

What would happen if carbon dioxide methane and water vapor were not in the atmosphere?

The Earths surface would be much colder than it is.

What would happen if the atmosphere could no longer hold water vapor?

It would rain If the atmosphere could no longer hold any water at all it would mean the end of life outside of the oceans.

What would happen to the water cycle if the sun heated the atmosphere evenly?

If the sun heated the atmosphere evenly, the water vapor in the air wouldn't move from 1 place to another.

Is the water in the atmosphere water vapor?

The answer would be yes because how would the water get there in the first place? The water would have to evaporate to be able to get into the air. And evaporated water is water vapor no?

What would happen if water resource is disappeared?

If that happened, we would all die. However, that essentially can't happen. In order to actually get rid of water, you'd have to shoot it into space. Boiling it just adds it to the atmosphere as water vapor, and it eventually precipitates back out as rain.

What would happen if their was no water vapor?

ther would be no ran and that means nothing would live on earth

Does Saturn have a presence of water?

saturn has water vapor in its atmosphere so i guess if the water would condense yes,but not drinkable to to the amonia methane and other non-breathable gasses in its atmosphere

What would earths atmosphere likely consist mostly of without the presence of life?

c water vapor

Does vapor water contribute to global increase in temperature?

Yes, vapor water does contribute to the global increase in temperature. Water vapor is a greenhouse gas, meaning it can trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere. As the Earth's temperature rises, more water evaporates and enters the atmosphere, creating a positive feedback loop that amplifies the warming effect.

What would would happen if water could evaporate but could not condense?

Water remain as vapors in the atmosphere.

What would happen if the water could not condense the atmosphere?

we would have no water to drink to bathe in in brush are teeth