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luke bea and nyajima

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12y ago
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12y ago

LOL, you'd probably been eaten

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Q: What would happen if you kick a lion in the balls?
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Can a ostrich kick a lion in half?

An ostrich cannot kick a lion in half, no.

Who would win a fight between a lion and Chuck Norris?

Chuck Norris would use his infinate round house kick and the lion would die from shear awesomeness

What actors and actresses appeared in Kick the Lion - 2006?

The cast of Kick the Lion - 2006 includes: Voice as Narrator

What would happen to a lion's predators?

The lion only has one predtor, that's us. Does that answer your ?

Would a wolverine kill a lion?

Probably not, but anything in nature could happen. A wolverine would only kill a lion if it was starving, had to feed its' family, etc, but not just to kill a lion. if he had to

How does an ostrich attack?

Ostriches kick powerfully. Just one kick could kill a lion.

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Are giraffes dangerious?

they can be, if you threaten them. They can kill a lion with one kick!

Who would win in a fight between a giraffe and a ostrich?

Ostrich, the ostrich has enough kicking power to snap the lion's with one kick. Also can break ribs with one kick

What could happen if the lion becomes extinct?

There would be lots other little animals

What would happen if all the lions died?

We'd nover ever have lion's agin

How do birds camouflage?

For example a deers camoflage would be to hide from predators such as the lion. But the lion would use camoflage to hide from its prey to kill it.