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Not necessarily. If the queen dies suddenly, the workers will build queen cells and transfer recently-laid eggs or very young larvae to them and will feed them on royal jelly. This will make them develop into new queens. They have about six days to do this as the egg hatches three days after it is laid, and all larvae are fed royal jelly for the first three days, but only queens are fed royal jelly after that time. If the queen had run out of sperm before dying and had become what is known as a 'drone layer' (unfertilized eggs develop into males) then this option is not available to the workers.

Workers bees are all females but the queen's pheromones suppress their ability to produce eggs. Once the queen has gone these pheromones disappear and workers can start to lay eggs. But the workers have never mated, so can only lay unfertilized eggs which will develop into males.

If the colony is unable to raise a replacement queen it is doomed to die out, though a beekeeper who spots the situation can produce a queen from another hive and introduce her to the queenless hive to save it.

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In some circumstances the colony can raise another queen, but if that fails the colony will die out.

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Q: What would happen to the bee colony if there was no queen?
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If the queen dies, under certain circumstances the bees can raise a new queen. If for any reason they are unable to do that, the colony will die out.

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If the queen dies, under certain circumstances the bees can raise a new queen. If for any reason they are unable to do that, the colony will die out.

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There is no "King Bee" The leader of a Bee Colony would be the Queen. And the average life expectancy would depend on the specific species of bee.

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Drones are the male bees in a colony. Their only purpose in life is to mate with a virgin queen. If there were no drones, the colony would die out in exactly the same way that most other living creatures would die out if there were no males.

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Drones are the male bees in a colony. Their only purpose in life is to mate with a virgin queen. If there were no drones, the colony would die out in exactly the same way that most other living creatures would die out if there were no males.

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Only the Queen bee lays eggs. Most of them are for worker bees but occasionally they will be drones or a new Queen.

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They don't. A queen bee is basically an egg-laying machine within a colony of bees. In general, apart from a beekeeper, humans would have no contact with a queen bee.