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We wouldn't have any clouds or precipitation!

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Q: What would happend if water could not condense in the atmosphere?
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What could happen if water could not condense in the atmosphere?

we would have no water to drink to bathe in in brush are teeth

What would happen if the water could not condense the atmosphere?

we would have no water to drink to bathe in in brush are teeth

How water vapor in the atmosphere condense?

i need help

Can water evaporate and condense at the same time?

Yes, if the atmosphere is saturated with vapors.

In order for clouds to form what must be present in the atmosphere for water vapor to condense on?

Water vapor or the heat

What would would happen if water could evaporate but could not condense?

If water could evaporate but not condense, the water cycle would be disrupted. This would lead to a significant loss of water from the Earth's surface, resulting in droughts, reduced precipitation, and potential long-term impacts on ecosystems and weather patterns. Overall, it would have serious consequences on global water availability and balance.

What could happen if water evaporate but could not condense?

This water remain as a gas.

Does Saturn have a presence of water?

saturn has water vapor in its atmosphere so i guess if the water would condense yes,but not drinkable to to the amonia methane and other non-breathable gasses in its atmosphere

Why does water vapor need solid particles in the atmosphere to form clouds?

Particles are needed because then the water vapor can condense on them

What occur in the nonliving part of the water cycle?

water vapor in the atmosphere condense and falls to earth surface as rain or snow

What would happened if water could not condense in the atmosphere?

we would have no water to drink to bathe in in brush are teeth

Will sweating help you when humidity is 100 percent?

It does in certain parts of the atmosphere, but not at the surface.