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Increase the pressure (at constant volume) or increase the volume (at constant pressure), or do both at the same time. This is based on the Ideal Gas Law, which says PV = nRT. You can also just apply heat to it!

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17y ago
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1w ago

Increasing the energy input to the substance, such as by adding heat or light, would increase its temperature. Additionally, reducing the substance's ability to dissipate heat, such as by insulating it, can also lead to a rise in temperature.

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11y ago

Work increases the temperature of a substance because of friction (think of rubbing your hands together) or because of simple touch. You can transfer heat by touch (conduction) which is what you could do by doing work. Think of an ice cube being pushed by a burning metal rod, the heat would be transferred from the rod to the ice cube.

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8y ago

increasing energy Work increases the temperature of a substance due to friction.

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12y ago

molecular motion

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13y ago

It gets hotter.

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Ryan Steffans

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4y ago

increasing energy

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Q: What would increase the temperature of a substance?
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What increase as the average energy of the motion of the particles of matter increase?

The temperature of the substance would increase as the average energy of particle motion increases. Additionally, the pressure exerted by the particles on the walls of the container would also increase.

What is the increase in volume that results from an increase in temperature called?

The increase in volume that results from an increase in temperature is called thermal expansion. This occurs because temperature changes cause the particles in a substance to move faster and spread out, leading to an increase in volume.

What is the increase of the volume of a substance by the increase of temperature called?

The increase in volume of a substance due to an increase in temperature is called thermal expansion. This occurs because as the temperature of a substance rises, the particles within it gain energy and move more, causing them to spread out and increase in volume.

Does temperature have a higher amount of thermal energy in a substance?

Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of particles in a substance; it does not directly indicate the total amount of thermal energy. Thermal energy is the total kinetic and potential energy of particles in a substance. While an increase in temperature generally corresponds to an increase in thermal energy, it is not a direct measure of the total thermal energy in a substance.

What increases When a substance gains energy?

When a substance gains energy, its temperature typically increases. The increased energy causes the particles in the substance to move faster, leading to an increase in kinetic energy and temperature.

Related questions

What would increase the temperature of the substance?

increasing energy Work increases the temperature of a substance due to friction.

Which of theses would increase the temperature of a substance?

increasing energy

What would increase a temperature of a substance?

When a substance is heated the temperature is increased. This occurs because energy enters the substance which will increase the kinetic energy of the molecules,thus causing a rise in temperature.

When the temperature of a substance the motion of the atoms that make up that substance .?

Increase, increase

How does the speed of atoms in a substance related to its temperature?

If there is an increase in the temperature of a substance, that indicates the increase in vibration and speed of the particles. If there is a decrease in the temperature of a substance, that indicates the decrease in vibration and speed of the particles.

What causes a substance to expand?

When a substance is heated, the kinetic energy of its molecules increases, causing them to move faster and further apart. This results in an expansion of the substance's volume. Conversely, when a substance is cooled, the molecules slow down and move closer together, causing the substance to contract.

What is the increase in volume of a substance due to an increase in temperature?

thermal expansion

How does temperature affect the volume of substance?

An increase in temperature will cause an increase in volume, while a decrease in temperature will cause a decrease in volume.

What is thermal expanison?

Thermal expansion is the tendency of matter to change in volume in response to a change in temperature. When a substance is heated, its particles move faster and the material may expand. Conversely, when the substance is cooled, its particles slow down and the material may contract.

How is the temperature of a gaseous substance related to the average kinetic energy of the particles in the substance?

if the temperature of the substance is raised then the kinetic energy of the gaseous particles will also increase....

How do you increase viscosity of a substance?

Lowering the temperature the viscosity is higher.

Does vapor pressure of a substance increase with increased temperature?
