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The pencil would just slide out of your hand because there would be nothing holding it there. You would have to balance the pencil on your hand!

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the ation is the push pen and the reaction is the ballpen point

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your using the force called muscular force.

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Q: What would it be like without friction to pick up a pencil?
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How does friction help athletes?

Wow, without friction we'd be playing different games, that's for sure. Let's see, runners use the friction between their shoes and the track to impart forward motion to their bodies. Otherwise it would be like running on ice. Soccer players use friction between the air and the soccer ball to bend it like Beckham. As they kick the ball they impart spin and through a process involving friction with the air among other things, the ball will curve. Without friction, pole vaulters would plant their pole and then just slide along it. The friction between their hands and their poles allows them to turn their forward momentum into vertical lift. Friction is what keeps the football in the quarterback's hand until he let's go and it allows the receiver to catch the ball. Friction between the ground and shoe is used again when a Baseball player rounds the bases. Assuming he was moving toward 1st base, without friction he'd slide right past and into the outfield. Friction allows him to plant his foot and turn towards 2nd. I'm sure you can also come up with a dozen different examples just like the ones I've given

Why a wheel cannot roll without friction?

Walking would not be impossible, but it would be likened to trying to walk on ice. Friction opposes movement, which can also be translated into traction. The more friction, the more of an opposing force the object will feel. Since ice has no friction, slipping and sliding is a problem to deal with. But since the majority of ground material on Earth has some type of friction, the opposing force that it provides also allows the feet to remain firmly planted on the ground rather than slipping out from underneath.

What are the 3 kinds of friction describe each?

sliding friction is like sliding a desk without wheels across a floor since its sliding and if there a large amount of weight involved it will be harter to over come the friction , rooling friction is like a skateboard rooling down the street for rooling friction the object NEEDS to have wheels or it wouldn't be rooling friction,and fluid friction is like droping a ball through air since air has water particles and counts for fluid friction.

Why would friction affect gravity?

Gravitational acceleration is a constant value for a celestial body, and doesn't depend on air resistance/friction. The value on Earth is constant anywhere on Earth, just like the value on Mars is constant anywhere on Mars. In practical,however, this is different. Air resistance lowers the value of gravitational acceleration.

Examples of high friction?

Example of high friction is a really rough surface like sandpaper.

Related questions

What would be like to climb a rope without friction?

Climbing a rope without friction would be extremely difficult as there would be nothing to grip onto to support your weight. You would likely struggle to make any progress and may not be able to ascend the rope at all. It would require a different set of skills and techniques than traditional rope climbing.

Would walking be impossible without sliding friction?

Yes it would, thank God for rolling friction

What objects work well because of friction?

Objects like tires, shoes, and brakes work well due to friction because it provides grip and traction on surfaces. Tools such as screwdrivers and wrenches rely on friction to grip and turn objects. Writing with a pencil on paper is another example, as the friction between the pencil tip and paper allows for marks to be made.

What would one persons life be like without friction?

Everything will be in motion wihtout no control.

Would you like to put your pencil in my pencil sharpener?

no thank you

Is friction useful to footballers?

yes, without it the play field would act like a skating rink!

What would a game of soccer be like with friction?

Friction is essential for Walking and other movement. So obviously it is of paramount importance in football. Without friction, A player can't grip the ball, the ground pr other players. Running, which is the base of football, doesnt exist without friction. Hence, no friction = no football.

How would cars look different if there were no friction?

Without friction, cars would not be able to accelerate or steer, as tires would not grip the road. Vehicles would likely require alternative propulsion methods and control systems to move and navigate without the assistance of friction. Braking systems would also need to be completely reimagined to slow vehicles down in the absence of friction.

What force tends to slow objects down but without it people all over the place like they were walking on ice?

The force that tends to slow objects down is friction. Without friction, people would slide and have difficulty walking as there would be no grip between their feet and the surface they are walking on, similar to walking on ice.

What your life would be like without friction?

Without frictin life would be very slippery. This topic has been explored in a novel by Philip Jose Farmer entitled "The Lavalite World".

Advantages of friction in your daily life?

Friction is advantageous in daily life as it allows us to walk without slipping, to grip objects, and to write with a pen or pencil. It also enables us to stop a moving vehicle by applying the brakes and helps in the functioning of various machines like engines and gears.

How would it be like in a world without friction?

you would be sliding and jumping all around just imagine there's nothing t pull you down