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Q: What would it look like a solid at an atomic level?
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Astatine (like iodine) would be solid at room temperature.

How do you indentify an element?

You can identify an element at an atomic level by the amount of protons, electrons and neutrons are in one of it's atoms. To do this you would need an electron microscope. You can also test for things like electrical conductivity and magnetism.

What do the numbers on the elements mean?

It means the atomic power of that element, so an element with a high number would be like an atomic bomb or worse.

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if rubber was a liquid it would be like water, if it was a gas it would be like steam, if it was a plasma you wouldn't be able to get anywhere near it without dieing therefore it must be a solid :-)

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What is a solid fat for baking or frying?

It is a fat that remains in a solid form at room temperature, like butter, as opposed to one that would be liquid, like sunflower oil.

What is an atomic clock?

An atomic clock is a reference clock whose operation is based on an atomic process, such as the frequency of electromagnetic radiation associated with a specific energy-level transition in an element such as caesium.

How can you determine the number of electrons in an element's out energy level by the group it's in?

You can determine the number of electrons in the outer level by the goup numbers. Like aluminum (atomic number 13) will have three in the outer level. There will be two in the first inner level. in the second level there will be eight. and in the last three.

What is the proficiency level of grade 6?

The proficiency level of a typical sixth-grade student would generally be considered intermediate, especially in subjects like math, science, and language arts. Students at this grade level are expected to have a solid foundation in basic skills and are building upon these to develop more complex knowledge and understanding.

What are physical en chemical propertes of an element?

Physical and chemical properties of an element are things about the element. if its a liquid, solid, gas. what the pH is. what the atomic number and mass is..... stuff like that.

What would the Earth be like if it was solid?

There would be no life as we know it, probably little or no atmosphere, and no geological processes.