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your mom and your dad in bed

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Q: What would make a good insulator to keep water hot?
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Related questions

Is styrofoam a good insulator to keep hot water hot?

Yes, because it does not conduct heat.

What would be the best insulator to keep something warm?

To keep something warm, wool would be the best insulator

What is the best way to keep water warm without using a heating object?

The best way to do so be be to use a good thermal insulator. A thermos flask would suit this purpose.

Why is a fabric a good insulator?

It is a good insulator because the fabric has little fibers in it to keep the cool AIR in, which means that the fabric is strong. ! :)

Is fabric a good insulator?

It is a good insulator because the fabric has little fibers in it to keep the cool AIR in, which means that the fabric is strong. ! :)

Is cloth a good insulator to keep cold things cold?


Does metal or foam keep water hotter longer?

In general, foam is a better insulator than metal, and so foam would be expected to keep water hotter longer under most normal circumstances.

Is cotton wool a good heat insulator?

because it can keep heat in because it is thick and good for insulation

Does rubber keep us warm?

Rubber is a poor conductor of heat. A suit of rubber can trap water (or air) around the skin and keep that water at the same temperature. This insulates the trapped water (or air) so that the skin feels warm. Rubber is a good insulator.

What material is best to keep water warm bubble wrap or plastic sheet?

Bubble wrap is better because it contains air, which is a very good thermal insulator.

What is a sentence for the word insulate?

An insulator is a material that doesn't conduct heat or electricity. Here are some sentences.Cloth is a good insulator.You need to have an insulator to keep from getting electrocuted.We are studying an insulator in science class.

Why would a window pane have 2panes of glass with air between them?

Trapped air is a good insulator, making it easier to keep the climate inside under control.