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I think it should Be pretty and magical looking, kinda like a fairy type dress. Or like a plain pink or light colored dress.

OR you could go simple: like black dress pants and a nice dressy shirt.

Hope I helped!!!!! =]

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7y ago

A simple overcoat like the ones worn in the Middle Ages. It can't be purple because only the king can wear purple. I saw the Royal Shakespear Company do Macbeth in street clothes. They wore jeans and the brown, black, or blue jackets with the king in purple.

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Q: What would narrator wear for Macbeth?
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I do not believe there was such warning. Lady Macbeth and Macbeth were husband and wife- they were partners. No warning would be needed.

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Perhaps in a vague sort of way. It is suggested that they had insight into what would happen so they foresaw that Lady Macbeth would become Macbeth's partner in crime.

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just like any good play there are different versions and in different versions different costumes. She would have been wearing something relating to her time period, if you can find the original text of Macbeth it may describe it.

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A narrator who would tell more about facts and less about feelings would be an objective narrator. A narrator who would tell more about feelings would be a subjective narrator.

What did Lady MacBeth tell Macbeth?

That she would give up her child if it is need

Why did lady Macbeth ask Macbeth to kill king duncan?

because, the three witches told his future and said that Macbeth would be king. But then King Duncan said that his son would be king Malcolm. So lady Macbeth and Macbeth deicide to kill him so he would become king.

How do lady Macbeth and Macbeth try to avoid suspicion?

Macbeth and Lady Macbeth acted surprised and shocked by the events. Lady Macbeth pretends to faint and Macbeth tries to avoid suspicion by stating the King would have died happily if he had died earlier.

Why did Macbeth have his old battle companion killed?

The witches had predicted that Banquo's descendants would become kings whereas Macbeth's would not. Macbeth resented that. Also, Banquo was aware of what the witches had said and might suspect Macbeth of Duncan's murder. Macbeth says, "My fears in Banquo stick deep."