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That's a tough question...I'd say a girl that loves the water. Is that what you were looking for? Like what would rain be? Do you mean like boy or girl, or personality, or what type of career? try to be more specific.

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Q: What would rain be like if it were a person?
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Is rain considered singular or plural for a verb?

It is singular. "The rain is falling." To be plural, the usage would be something like "the rain drops are." (rain would be an adjective)

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Earthworms like rain so they will move up to the surface when their is rain.

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It sounds exactly as it would if rain was hitting your window. Depending on how much rain there is, will affect how loud the rain sounds.

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the canopy

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Probably no more or less than the average person.

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He would probably be very upset.

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The person running would get more wetter then the person walking as you will be catching more rain than walking because you are running into more rain than if you were walking through it, but it does depend on the distance you are running or walking

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it is weathered by rain and ice wedging i think but i would like the weather.

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Bruno mars is a person, therefore, there is no metaphor for Bruno Mars.

Is rain a pretty name?

I think that rain is a starnge name to call a child. She might get bullied in high school and other children in her school will make fun of her. I know someone who is called stone and strawberry! There gonna have a bad future.For one thing, I think the first person should not reply like that because that person's name might be Rain. And I think that's a beautiful name. And WHY would that person be bullied? It's a beautiful name!!!! I love it!

What would a 49 chromosome person be like?

It would not be a 'person'.