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If a root word is by itself, you could add a prefix or suffix or add another word to create a compound word.

For example, "wordsmith" is formed by combining "word" and "smith" to mean someone who is skilled in working with words, while both "word" and "smith" can stand perfectly well on their own.

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12y ago

If the root word is not a word by itself, add -ible

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Add is a root word.

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Q: What would you add if a root word is by itself?
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If the root word is a word by itself, you would not add any additional affixes or suffixes to it as it is already a complete word without any need for modification.

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The suffix you could add to the root word "truth" to create a word that means characterized by honesty is "-ful", resulting in the word "truthful".

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The root word is like the base. You can add begenings and endings to a root word. For example, the root word is LOVE you can add ER to make it LOVER.

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Sometimes with a sufix you have to take away a letter to add the sufix to the end which is why the letter e has been taken away from the root word sense in most of them.Sufixes: Senseless, Sensation,Sensitive, Sensible.Prefixes: Nonsense.Hope this helps.

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You would add the suffix -less meaning without or lacking, to make "senseless."

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You would add 'non' to the beginning so it becomes 'nonlinear'.

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To add the suffix -ment to the root "embezzle," you would simply combine the two to form the word "embezzlement." This term refers to the act of embezzling or dishonestly appropriating funds for personal use.

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Pre- is the prefix you would add to a root word in order to create a word that means "to represent a form of a person, thing, or event before it was presently relevant."