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Q: What would you say to our Mother Nature?
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What is the Mother Nature?

Mother Nature is the woman that gave birth to nature That’s why it’s called Mother Nature

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Mother Nature's husband is Father Nature.

What is the Kannada word for 'nature'?

In Kannada, we would say: Prakruthi or Swabhava(as in human nature).

What would happen if Father Time and Mother Nature had a child?

If Father Time and Mother Nature had a child, then nature and time would mix into one and create an indestructible hairy man beast named trey slaughter who would undoubtfully consume the entire planet and eventually end all life in the universe.

Define Mother Nature?

"Mother Nature" is the female anthropomorphic representation of "Nature" (weather and the biosphere). It is used, often commercially, as a convenient reference to the "natural state" of things, events and attributes that normally occur. A more stylized version is the "Earth goddess", including the Greek version Gaia, as the founder of earth and living things. (see related links)