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Q: What would your GPA be if you got 2 As 1 B and 1 C?
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What would your GPA be if you got 3 c's and 1 d?

A C grade is equal to 2 GPA and a D grade is around 1.5 GPA. So you can calculate and find the average.

What is your GPA if you have 1 b 2 c and 1 d?

If an A = 4 you have (3 + 2 + 2 +1)/4 = 8/4 = 2.0 GPA

What is your GPA if you have 2 b's 2 a's and 1 c?

You have to account for the credits associated with the grades. If they are all 3 credit classes, you have a 3.5.

What would be my GPA if i have 3 A's, 2 B's and 2 F's?

Your cumulative GPA is 2.7.

What is a GPA average of 3 A's 1 D and 3 C's?

On a GPA scale where A = 4 B = 3 C = 2 and D = 1 then the GPA is (4 + 4 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 2) divided by 7 = 2.71

What would your GPA be if you got 2 a's and 1 b in 3 honors classes and 3 a's in regular classes?

you asked that horribly, did you get 3 b's in 3 different honor classes or 1 b in honor classes?

Whats's the GPA for 2.5?

A 2.5 would be an average of Bs and Cs. To determine your GPA, let A =4, B = 3, C =2, and D=1. Add up your grades and divide by the number of classes to give you an average (your GPA).

What is the GPA for 2 A's 3 B's and 2 C's?

On a scale for GPA where A =4,B=3,C=2, and D=1 then GPA = (4 x2) + (3 x 3) + (2x2) all divided by 7 to get average GPA = 3.0

How much do major grades affect your GPA?

Lots. A = 4; B = 3; C = 2; D = 1; F =0. So if one had an A, a C, and a B, their GPA would be 3.0 (B)

What would your GPA be if you got 3 b's and 1 c in 4 honors classes and 2 a's in regular classes?

In Honors: A-5.0 and B-4.0 In Regular: A:4.0 and B-3.0 -So you got a 3.83. Go head with your bad self:) Keep up the good work!!!

Can you get into Florida State University with a 3.0 24 ACT and 2 varisty sports?

I would say yes. I had the same GPA but a 21 on my act and no sports and I got in. Just apply

What would your GPA be if you got 1 a and 3 c and 1 b in regular classes?

Let A = 4 Let B = 3 Let C = 2 Class Score = A + B + (C * 3) Class Score = 4 + 3 + 6 Class Score = 13 Number of classes = 5 GPA = Class Score / Number of classes GPA = 13 / 5 GPA = 2.6 Your school may use a different scale for each class, but this formula will work, just find out what A/B/C/D equals at your school.