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Q: What written records did the bronze age people keep?
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How did writing aid the expansion of trade during the Bronze Age?

Very few people knew how to write in this time in history. No one knew how to read and it will be many centuries before the printing press is invented. So, writing didn't aid in expansion of trade. Trade was mainly the result of people connecting to others through war or need.

How long to keep deceased medical records in Georgia?

Many people would keep a deceased person's records for at least 10 years. Many people keep these records for longer than that.

Did Greece keep written recordsc?

Of course the Greeks kept written records.

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What percent are gay people in the military?

The military does not keep such records.

How were medical records kept in Ancient Egypt.?

Around 3000 b.c., people began keep written records. Some of our earliest forms of medical records came from Egypt. These records were actually drawings and symbols known as hieroglyphics that proved information on illnesses and diseases, treatments that were used, and operations performed during ancient Egypt times.

Does the Nazis keep records of the people who received which numbered tattoo?

Yes, they kept very good records.

How do bronze age people keep warm?

Fire and fireplaces as well with furs and wool clothing.

Why did ancient people begin to write?

To keep records on certain things

Why is it only the historians keep the records and not the ordinary people?

cos normal people dont care

How did the Incans keep records?

There is no written history of them. Everything was passed down through history verbally.

What was a writer who kept records of historic events items people tradedand works of literature?

An archivist and a librarian keep records. An author creates works and records.