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It started in 1 CE. That is the same as 1 AD. CE is Common Era and is the same as Anno Domini which is what AD is.

It started in 1 CE. That is the same as 1 AD. CE is Common Era and is the same as Anno Domini which is what AD is.

It started in 1 CE. That is the same as 1 AD. CE is Common Era and is the same as Anno Domini which is what AD is.

It started in 1 CE. That is the same as 1 AD. CE is Common Era and is the same as Anno Domini which is what AD is.

It started in 1 CE. That is the same as 1 AD. CE is Common Era and is the same as Anno Domini which is what AD is.

It started in 1 CE. That is the same as 1 AD. CE is Common Era and is the same as Anno Domini which is what AD is.

It started in 1 CE. That is the same as 1 AD. CE is Common Era and is the same as Anno Domini which is what AD is.

It started in 1 CE. That is the same as 1 AD. CE is Common Era and is the same as Anno Domini which is what AD is.

It started in 1 CE. That is the same as 1 AD. CE is Common Era and is the same as Anno Domini which is what AD is.

It started in 1 CE. That is the same as 1 AD. CE is Common Era and is the same as Anno Domini which is what AD is.

It started in 1 CE. That is the same as 1 AD. CE is Common Era and is the same as Anno Domini which is what AD is.

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9y ago

It started in 1 CE. That is the same as 1 AD. CE is Common Era and is the same as Anno Domini which is what AD is.

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Q: What year did CE start?
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AD and CE both mean after Christ.

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The first century CE began at the beginning of 1 CE and ended at the end of 100 CE. The first century BCE ended at the end of 1 BCE, and the second century CE began at the beginning of 101 CE. (Note that there is no year 0, so 1 BCE immediately precedes 1 CE.)

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No, it started in 618 CE and ended in 907 CE

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The ancient period, coming after the archaic period, is generally held to be from 600 BCE to 500 CE.

How do you convert ce dates to ad?

Theoretically they are the same, ie just change the CE to AD However, everyone seem to say that 2000 CE was the start of the 3rd millennium CE and so held big celebrations at the start of that year. If this is so, then the second millennium CE started 1000 CE and the first started 0 CE. But 1 BC was followed by 1 AD - there was no 0 AD - as when Dionysius Exiguus devised the BC/AD system in the year we now call 531 AD zero had not been invented: it was not invented for about another 400 years, coming to Europe about 600 years after the AD/BC designation was devised. As such the 3rd millennium AD started in 2001 AD. The alternative is that the start of the 3rd millennium CE "celebrations" were actually a year early (and that the politicians who decided this can't actually count or don't know history/the calendar...) and that CE dates are AD dates, just under another name to try to appease though who may be offended by the Latin term Anno Domini - Year of the Lord, where the Lord in question is the Christian faith's Jesus Christ.