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Q: What year did Jane freeman paint chum?
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When did Charlotte Bronte write Jane Eyre?

From the year 1799 - 1809.

Did Jane Seymour's daughter appear in perfectly prudence tv movie?

Yes, Jane Seymour's 29 year-old daughter Katherine (Katie) Flynn played the role of Annie MacIntyre - daughter to Jane's character Prudence. Katie is Jane's daughter by her third husband, David Flynn.

Will the Sarah Jane adventures be on this year?

Yeah. prior to Elisabeth Sladens death they filmed 3 episodes which will be shown later this year. This decision to show the episodes came from Elisabeth's close friends and family who knew how much Sarah Jane meant to her.

Is Marylin Denis leaving CityLine?

According pixiepan on Yahoo Canada: "I have seen a press release from CITY. Apparently it has to do with the acquisition of Chum by CTV last year. The CTRC which regulates broadcasting did not approve the purchase of the 5 Citytv stations as part of the Chum deal with CTV. So, they were sold off to Rogers. Since Marilyn is a CTV (she still has a show on Chum FM radio) employee basically she was working for Rogers the competition. Since that can't happen, they have had her resign from her show and there will be a new show that she will host later this year probably in the fall on CTV. So for now until they transition she'll finish up her contractual commitments before moving over the CTV. There are no announcements yet on what her show will be, but it will be a daytime show that she will host. They are planning it now with Marilyn which is why its still hush, hush."

What month date and year did Jim and Jane Henson get married?

i hav no idea im just a kid

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What year was the actress Jane freeman born?

Jane Freeman was born in the year of 1921.

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Is fanboy and chum chum a cool show?

Well, in my opinion, it SUCKS! I will give you some reasons why. First, it's very boring. Second, it's about two idiotic boys screwing up everything. Third, the creators try to make the cartoon funny, but it's not. And finally, IT'S COMPLETELY IDIOTIC! now I'm just a 13 year old boy telling you what I think of Fanboy and Chum Chum, nothing wrong with that right? And if you really like Fanboy and Chum Chum, look at the bonus. Bonus: you know, there might be a second season coming soon.

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What year did Jane Goodall have a child?

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Is Cathy freeman single?

No, she is married, and due to give birth in August of this year.

How did colourful Australian racing identity George freeman die And what year?

George Freeman (a really lovely man)died in 1990 after a long battle with a terminal illness.