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It was 1956.

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That was in 1956.

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Q: What year did king get arrested for going 35 mph in 25 mph zone?
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What year did king get arrested for going 35 mph in a25 mph zone?

In 1956.

What year did Dr Martin Luther King Jr get arrested for going 35 mph in a 25 mph zone?

He was arrested in 1955 for going 35 mph in a 25 mph zone.

What year did the get arrested for going mph ina 25mph zone?


What year did martin Luther king get arrested for going35 MPH in a 25 MPH zone?

it was the 12th November 1963

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That entirely depends on the law where you live. If youre in USA then youre going to get arrested. If you're in a tolerence zone in Amsterdam then no you wont get arrested but its still against the law to smoke it outside of licensed tobacco shops.

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lol...i wouldn't be suprised if you lose your licence, infact you are lucky you didnt get arrested.

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neritic zone

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No, you should not exceed the speed limit. It is important to follow the posted speed limits for the safety of yourself and others on the road.

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Who is the author of the books It The Dark Zone Roadwork and others?

They are all by Stephen King and it's "The Dead Zone" not "The Dark Zone"

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if you have any drugs in a school zone its a felony it kinda depends on your case if your selling it then its a felony but if your usin it you might get lucky