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Q: What happened during the 1878 earthquake at san Luis rey de francia?
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What happened in the US during 1878 1879?

In 1878-1879 alot of things happened. Let me tell you a few, Inventions 1.Foot Lever lid lifter 2. Electric food mixer 3. Arc lamp Things 1. First Telephone book issued in New Haven, Connecticut 2 Edison Electric Company begins operation Those are a few of the many great things that happened in 1878-187

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Takebashi Incident happened in 1878.

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Kresna-Razlog Uprising happened in 1878.

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In 1878-1879 alot of things happened. Let me tell you a few, Inventions 1.Foot Lever lid lifter 2. Electric food mixer 3. Arc lamp Things 1. First Telephone book issued in New Haven, Connecticut 2 Edison Electric Company begins operation Those are a few of the many great things that happened in 1878-187

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Battle of Peiwar Kotal happened on 1878-11-28.

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The Hindu is an Indian English-language daily newspaper founded and continuously published in Chennai since 1878.