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5d ago

Pyrex changed its glass formula in 1998 from borosilicate to tempered soda-lime glass.

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Q: What year did they change the pyrex glass formula?
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What is the chemical formula of hydrofloric acid?

The chemical formula for Hydrofluoric Acid is HF. Similar to HCl which is hyrochloric acid. I was told last year by the Dr. incharge of me that HF is a very vicious acid and can melt through skin and bone :/ (Hence couldn't use it in an experiment)

What is the correct formula to calculate tcir rates?

The correct formula to calculate TCIR (Total Case Incident Rate) is: (Number of recordable cases) / (Total hours worked by all employees) * 200,000. This formula is used to measure the number of recordable cases per 100 full-time equivalent employees in a given period.

What is correct formula to calculate DART rates?

The formula to calculate DART rate is [(Number of recordable injuries + number of lost workdays cases) x 200,000] / Total hours worked by all employees. This formula helps in determining the rate of injuries and illnesses that result in missed work days.

How do you know when a chemical change has occurred?

There are many waysif something is burned (not heated or melted but burned)if something changes colorif something spoils or tarnishesif something does not go through a stage of matter such as melting, freezing, evaporating, condensing, sublimatingif something does not just dissolveif something can not be separated in any way

What is composition of the nickel?

That depends on what nickel you are talking about. Is it a US coin, a Canadian coin, what year is it? Compositions change both from country to country and from year to year. Try being more specific in your question, in order to get a proper answer.

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Dishes made of pyrex glass do not break so easily what characteristics of pyrex prevent this from occurring?

this is a question i studied in s1 (first year) in high school. try wikipedia that teels you ALL about pyrex! hope i helped! xxx lesleyxxx help me on ma questions plz x

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Yes, I've had my Termisil teapot for over a year and I put it directly on the heating element - I have an electric stove. Be Careful, the lid of the teapot sometimes falls off when you are pouring tea.

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Excel does not change the year if the arithmetic operators have been used with the correct syntax.

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Roger Bacon invented the Magnifying Glass in the year 1250

What does baby formula cost a year?

Baby formula costs $1,500 to $2,000 a year.

Is there any way to change the year in some of the cells on excel?

Cells hold what you type into them or calculate with a formula. If you want to change the year displayed in a cell, just change the cell contents. If this does not answer your question, please ask another question with more specific words about what you would like to know.

What year did the first glass appear?

Unknown,glass was found in ancent pyrimids.

What year was glass invented?


How do you calculate a paticular year growth percent?

(Final-Initial)/(Initial) is the formula for percent change (multiply by 100 to make it a percentage) I think this is what you are looking for.

How do you change antenna?

Depends on the vehicle, need to know makr/model/year. Most older ones just unscrew. New bmw's have it embedded in the window glass.

What year was the magnifying glass made?