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Q: What year was fertilizer invented?
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Who invented the fertilizer?

Justus von Liebig

When was plant fertilizer invented?

i dont know the answer find it somewhere else

Can 2 year old lawn fertilizer be used?

hey man fertilizer is fertilizer i used 2 year old grass seed and it worked it ain't like food so yes it can be used lol

How much fertilizer is needed per cow per year?

None. Cows are not plants: they do not need fertilizer.

What is the best fertilizer for sycamore trees?

any general purpose fertilizer will do. add some compost every year too.

What year was fertiliser invented?

The modern chemical fertilizer was invented in the mid-19th century. In 1840, the first commercial fertilizer was created by Justus von Liebig, a German chemist. This marked the beginning of the widespread use of fertilizers in agriculture.

Who invented fertilizer?

The concept of using fertilizer to improve plant growth dates back to ancient civilizations such as the Romans, Greeks, and Egyptians. However, in the 19th century, chemists such as Justus von Liebig and John Bennet Lawes made significant advancements in developing modern fertilizers using synthetic compounds.

How are berries abundant after year after year?

If you give them proper fertilizer and water, and proper sunlight with good soil, they will be abundant year after year.

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the year tv was invented

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what year was Chilaquiles invented

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Tally was invented in the year 1988

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Your mom is what year they were invented