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Q: What year was violet aurora flores born in?
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How do you install a thermostat on a 1994 olds aurora?

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When the Aurora Borealis Happens?

It hapens once a year in Alaska.

How much snow does Aurora Ohio receive in a year?

Aurora, Ohio typically receives around 40-45 inches of snow per year. Snowfall can vary from year to year depending on weather patterns.

Do the northern aurora lights shine in the summer?

The Aurora Borealis (Northern lights) and the Aurora Australis (Southern lights) both "shine" all year round. They are caused by energized particles from the sun striking the Earth's Magnetosphere.

What is another name for the northern and southern lights?

Aurora Borealis for the northern lights and aurora australis for the southern lights. They can be red, blue, green, even violet. They occur in the winter. ADDED: Actually they occur at any time of year. They are not seasonal, but are much more likely to be visible in Winter simply because the skies are darker and for longer each day. I have been lucky enough to see them, while on holiday in Norway, and that in late August.